Many small business owners make the mistake of rushing to implement marketing strategies without putting a plan into place. This can waste time and money without knowing customers need these service or product. In order to achieve the goals of marketing you need to begin with marketing analysis. In big business advertising is done to create name recognition and then sale. But small business cannot afford that so design your advertising to produce sales instead of creating name recognition. Small business owner can start advertising while doing sale like putting offers in their advertising or put small ad on postcard and mail it to your targeted market. Peoples read postcards when they are brief. This can result in driving a high volume of traffic to your website and generate sales for a very small cost. Marketing Consultancy, Brand Development, Multimedia Solutions!!! 360 Creative Inc. the art of marketing & the science of creativity
All marketing strategies start and finish with the customer. Some customers are not ready to give the asking value for your product or service. It is vital to discover the most beneficial customers and how you can maintain them loyal, as well as how you can catch the attention of new customers with a similar outline. Some are more attracted in paying a low price than in getting the best quality. You can avoid losing sales to many of these customers by offering a smaller or stripped down version of your product or service at a lower price. Not every customer look for cheap price and many can pay higher price for premium product or service.
Your customers tune out after a short time if you beep only one note. Not only that, you get fed up. Marketing can be enjoyable, so take benefit of the thousands of opportunities available for communicating your worth to customers. But don’t be uninformed about your choice of a variety of marketing ploys. Plan watchfully. Get response from customers and adjust your efforts accordingly. You might incorporate a leaflet and/or business card of another business, which had settled to do the identical for you. This gives you the possibility to reach a complete new pool of possible consumers.
You can use stickers, stamps or short notes on all of your direct mail and everyday business mail. Keep in mind when you are putting a sticker, handwritten note or stamp on the outer side of cover, it has the impact of a mini billboard. People read it but the note must be short and brief so it can be examine in less than 10 seconds. Small business owners can host an event which is great way to gain face time with your key consumers and it also have great potential of your company name circulating. With the correct program, you will be pleased with a nice numbers and media exposure. If it is discussion group with limited the audience then charge a fee. A fee gives the feeling of value. Free often connotes, whether intended or not, that attendees will have to endure a sales pitch. Put in your leaflet, ad or flyer etc. in all your outgoing mail. It does not cost any extra postage and you will be astonished at who could use what you are offering.